Square Enix head Yoichi Wada sees a gaming future in the clouds
Posted by Joystiq Sep 15 2011 03:33 GMT in Square Enix
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Tokyo Game Show 2011 is officially on, as today's keynote -- delivered by Square Enix prez Yoichi Wada -- kicked things off. But despite Mr. Wada's position at the JRPG giant, he's here speaking as the chairman of the Computer Entertainment Software Association, which means he had some pretty high level content to get through in his speech. To be extra clear, his keynote is named, "The Nature of the Industry Revolution of Games," so, pretty high level stuff.

First and foremost, he's all about the cloud. No, not that Cloud, but the one that allows for remote gaming. "I think the Cloud is a real revolution," Wada explained. In his eyes, he's got a variety of electronics with "huge processing power" -- processing power that could be harnessed for new gameplay experiences. "If you could concentrate such processing power on the cloud, then there's going to be a huge paradigm shift," he added.

As for when this "paradigm shift" will happen, however, is unknown. According to Wada's slideshow, he expects a move in that direction anywhere between now and 2015. In the meantime, he believes we're only just now experiencing the first in several new waves of change in the game industry.

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