BlazBlue Continuum Shift DLC discounted now on Xbox Live, Jan. 4 on PSN
Posted by Joystiq Dec 21 2010 07:00 GMT in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
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'Tis the season for Valkenhayn R. Hellsing! It seems that way, at least, as Aksys has announced a sale on BlazBlue: Continuum Shift DLC, including Mr. Hellsing and other downloadable characters.

Today through January 7 on Xbox Live, and from January 4 through January 25 on PSN, you'll be able to pick up all the Continuum Shift downloads at a discount. If you were ever going to pay money for a different color scheme for your characters, now would be the time, since those are half-off. As for more substantive downloads, the unlock for the character Mu-12 is just a dollar, with Makoto and Valkenhayn available for $4.50 each. See the full list after the break.

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