All Zombies Must Die Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Mar 06 2012 00:15 GMT
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All Zombies Must Die!, Doublesix's spiritual successor to Burn Zombie Burn!, will finally shamble onto PC March 12.

The Steam version addresses specific feedback from the console version like "zombie swarming," by adding a new "treacle" mechanic, which will allow players to wade through otherwise impassible zombie crowds. Also, the gate-quest structure has been tweaked to allow a better flow to the game.

Doublesix claims to have "trimmed the fat" and "spruced up the core mechanics." A good way to make room for more brains and tasty meat for zombies.

Posted by Giant Bomb Jan 07 2012 14:00 GMT
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Ryan and Brad don't even stop to question whether or not some or even most of the zombies need to die. No, sir-- it is all of them.

Posted by IGN Jan 04 2012 00:53 GMT
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What's weird about All Zombies Must Die is that my original pros ended up being my final cons. I started off liking the simplicity of the twin-stick shooter and the tongue-in-cheek jokes, but eight hours in, I was over it and ready for something different. All Zombies Must Die is fun, but it's the same 15 minutes of fun over and over again...

Posted by Joystiq Dec 23 2011 03:00 GMT
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All Zombies Must Die has a date with Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network next week. Doublesix's successor of sorts to Burn Zombie Burn will debut on PSN December 27, with the XBLA release following the next day, December 28. It will run $10 on either platform. Despite our best efforts to suss out some information, we still have no idea what All Zombies Must Die could possibly be about.

Check out some more gameplay footage after the break.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Dec 22 2011 17:30 GMT
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Hello! Today I bring news that our Arcade-RPG All Zombies Must Die! will be ambling onto the PlayStation Store December 27.

AZMD is a twin-stick shooter taken to lofty new heights with a bevy of RPG features and four player co-op. As the zombie apocalypse arrives in the town of Deadhill it falls to four unlikely heroes to defend humanity and save the day. Jack, the gamer; Rachel, the girl; Brian, the geek and Luxo, the alien must undertake insane quests, craft crazy weapons and generally put down as many zombies as humanly possible. With comical references and a fourth-wall-breaking script to tie it all together, AZMD presents the zombie apocalypse in a whole new light.


To coincide with the festive period, we also have a range of zombie companions arriving on PlayStation Home. While it’s true that all zombies must die, and the undead are foul creatures that should be riddled with bullets without a moment’s hesitation, they do make rather charming pets. Jogger, SWAT and Crazy zombie companions – in addition to Luxo the alien – can be downloaded from PlayStation Home TODAY!

For more on AZMD, ‘LIKE’ the game on Facebook, or have a gander at the official website.

From all of us at doublesix – Merry Christmas and happy zombie hunting!

Posted by Joystiq Dec 01 2011 22:40 GMT
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Doublesix's All Zombies Must Die!, the "spiritual successor" to Burn Zombie Burn!, will be available later this month on consoles. A representative for Doublesix tells us the XBLA and PSN versions will launch simultaneously, with PC coming "a bit later." This is a slight alteration from the original launch plans in July, which had the XBLA version hitting later.

For the sake of clarification, All Zombies Must Die! has nothing to do with Orcs Must Die! nor Shoot Many Robots!. However, we're seeing an opening for violence-free titles that sound like action commands. Examples: Cuddle Many Puppies! and Kittens Must Nuzzle!.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 29 2011 02:21 GMT
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Hello! You may remember Doublesix Games from 2009’s Burn Zombie Burn! We’re clearly not done murdering zombies. In our upcoming arcade-RPG All Zombies Must Die! the idea is simple: you kill all zombies. It’s one of those ‘it does what it says in the title’ kind of things. The game is a mix of weapons-based arena combat and light RPG elements and pits a Gamer, a Girl, a Mad Scientist and an Alien against six billion zombies to defend the world’s supply of delicious, supple brains. All Zombies Must Die! drops up to four players into the town of Deadhill, where they must mow their way through ranks of brain-hungry monsters with a variety of weaponry while completing quests served up by the game’s gripping storyline. We’re combining elements of action and role-playing, including character leveling, weapons crafting and numerous quests. The graphics reflect the silly yet sinister nature of the gameplay with a bright, comic style. All Zombies Must Die! will be hitting the PlayStation Network later this year.


But before the game releases, we’ve got something special in the works for PlayStation Home folks, just in time for Halloween. With the All Zombies Must Die! “Big Head Pack”, now available in the PlayStation Home Mall, you’ll be able to don oversized heads of two characters from the game: Jack the gamer and Luxo the alien. In addition to this, a third mask allows you to shuffle about PlayStation Home as one of the titular zombies. (Note: please remember to groan and shout “braaaaaiiiiiinnnnnns” if you’re going to do this)

While clearly zombies are horrific creatures that should be peppered with shotgun shells on sight (all zombies must die, remember?), wouldn’t it be nice to have one of the little green fellas ambling along beside you? Indeed it would. To compliment the first Big Head Pack, PlayStation Home will also be getting six companions on Monday, October 31st; two zombies and four mutants, who will faithfully trot along beside your avatar. With your comically oversized head and a pet mutant shuffling about by your side, you’ll certainly be conveying the right image this Halloween.
The Big Head Pack sells for $3.99, giving you all three heads for both male and female avatars, while the lovable zombie companions will sell individually for $2.99

For more information, ‘like’ All Zombies Must Die! on Facebook, or take a gander at the official AZMD site.

Posted by IGN Aug 16 2011 18:38 GMT
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Modern entertainment knows too many zombies. They infect every corner of film, games and television they simply won't die. Inconsistent quality permeates zombie-related media, so nowadays I admit I feel skepticism before enthusiasm when I hear about any new undead endeavor. Luckily the developers a...

Posted by IGN Aug 16 2011 18:37 GMT
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Modern entertainment knows too many zombies. They infect every corner of film, games and television they simply won't die. Inconsistent quality permeates zombie-related media, so nowadays I admit I feel skepticism before enthusiasm when I hear about any new undead endeavor. Luckily the developers a...

Posted by IGN Jul 28 2011 17:34 GMT
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Guildford, England - doublesix, the award winning developer behind the action-packed undead-shooter Burn Zombie Burn!, has announced the spiritual successor to the highly acclaimed game with All Zombies Must Die! A mix of weapons-based arena combat and light RPG elements, this quirky new zombie-blasting action game will be made available to players around the globe Q4 2011 via the PlayStation Network and Steam...

Posted by IGN Jul 28 2011 01:30 GMT
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Developer Doublesix has an obsession of sorts with zombies. After all, these were the guys that brought Burn Zombie Burn! to the PlayStation Network back in 2009. Now, they're back with its spiritual successor: All Zombies Must Die!...

Posted by Joystiq Jul 28 2011 00:30 GMT
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Burn Zombie Burn! wasn't a clear enough directive, so developer Doublesix will release All Zombies Must Die! in the fourth quarter of 2011. All Zombies Must Die! -- which, despite the similar name, has nothing to do with Orcs Must Die! -- is a "spiritual successor" to Burn Zombie Burn!, featuring light RPG elements and "weapons-based arena combat."

The game will initially launch on PlayStation Network and Steam, with plans for the Xbox 360 version to be revealed shortly. Doublesix has created kitty, bunny and doggy announcement trailers (gotta hit them demographics!). Check out cats above, the rest after the break.

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 27 2011 20:29 GMT
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Warning! Cuteness, zombies and tiny dogs!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 27 2011 20:29 GMT
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Some rabbits are cute--but others are zombies!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 27 2011 20:29 GMT
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What's the difference between a cute kitten and a zombie kitten?