Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GameTrailers Jan 09 2011 17:45 GMT
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In a race against time Claire Redfield battles her way through Kijuju in the first dose of Resident Evil 3D: The Mercenaries for the 3DS at Nintendo World 2011.

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 09 2011 09:37 GMT
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The clock is ticking in the Nintendo 3DS chapter of the Umbrella Corporation's biohazard outbreak and time is running out for Chris, Claire, Krauser, and Hunk.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 09 2010 15:27 GMT
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We can't think of many handheld games capable of filling us with terror whilst on-the-go, but some of the baddies seen in these screens for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and Revelations look like they'll be downright unsettling. Especially once they start, you know, walking out of the screen.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 08 2010 17:30 GMT
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The latest Famitsu (translated by Andriasang) offers details on Resident Evil: Revelations and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, the two survival horror games Capcom is preparing for 3DS. Unsurprisingly, given its basis on content from Resident Evils 4 and 5, The Mercenaries is closer to completion, estimated at 70%.

Capcom is adding some kind of touch screen control system and RPG-ish character customization, and has also implemented first-person aiming for weapons, during which you aim with the analog slider. Director Kazuhisa Inoue said that this change allows players to experience the 3D visuals as if they were really there -- as if they were really surrounded by monsters. How nice.

Revelations is earlier in the development process -- just 20%. According to Famitsu's feature, it takes place on a cruise ship between the events of RE4 and RE5. It's meant to combine the exploration of pre-RE4 games with the combat in the later Resident Evils. Director Koushi Nakanishi says that with limited ammo and creatures emerging unexpectedly, it's a real "survival horror" game.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 29 2010 18:00 GMT
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Last night's Nintendo 3DS showcase highlighted a brand new addition to the Resident Evil franchise -- the second planned for the 3DS system. The Mercenaries 3D combines the arcade levels from both Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 and adds "brand new modes" and "well known characters from the series." According to Capcom, the game will also take advantage of the 3DS Wi-Fi Connection for online co-op play "regardless of location." Does this mean you'll be able to run, stop, aim, and shoot zombies with friends from Japan?

The first screenshots of the game showcase one of the earliest levels from Resident Evil 5, and while the 3DS version doesn't appear to have the same fidelity as the PS3/360 originals, it looks impressive nonetheless. Check out all the images in our gallery:

Posted by IGN Sep 29 2010 07:37 GMT
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Capcom bringing more zombie love to the 3DS.

Posted by IGN Sep 29 2010 06:57 GMT
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Capcom puts the 3DS to the test again with its second 3D Resident Evil game.