Because the world was in need of something particularly soft and precious right now, Nintendo of Japan has released a new trailer for its hyper adorable platformer adventure Kirby's Epic Yarn. (It's perfectly acceptable to squeal now.) More »
Nintendo announced the Japanese release date for Kirby's Epic Yarn -- October 14 -- and released a new trailer for the occasion. We've embedded it after the break, but we encourage you to go to Nintendo's site anyway, for the most charming video controls you'll ever, ever see.
Visitors to Nintendo's PAX booth will be able to try out some upcoming Wii games, including Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns, along with anticipated third-party games Goldeneye 007 and NBA Jam. Next week's Metroid: Other M will also be on display. Nintendo will also show a new WiiWare game, Fluidity, for the first time. The game involves "using the three forms of water -- liquid, ice, and cloud" to solve puzzles.
Be sure to bring your DS as well, as Nintendo will be distributing a new Dragon Quest IX map, "Orgodemir." If you're anything like us (which is to say hopeless), the rest of the convention will be spent trying to complete said map. Go sit on one of those bean bags and find some pals for multiplayer questing!
The trailer below is a bit shorter than the E3 2010 reveal trailer, but it does offer up some new footage!
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Thanks to Austin for the heads up!
Kirby's Epic Yarn is an adorable game about a pink puffball made of yarn. But we've covered that already. Today's topic: Why does Kirby kill? ... or... Why do I make Kirby kill? More »
Kirby's Epic Yarn is my pick for Best-Looking Game of E3. My pick for Best Game That Looks Like It Was Made Out Of Yarn. My pick for Best Game That Had A Kirby Mech That I Missed. More »
Kirby is actually getting his own Wii game, Kirby's Epic Yarn. And with all that wool flying around everywhere, it's making me feel very warm on this cold antipodean evening. More »
click to see Kirby's Epic ScreenshotsThough Nintendo announced games in all its major franchises simultaneously, it's not playing it safe within those franchises. Kirby's Epic Yarn, for example, is still a cutesy side-scroller, like other Kirby games, but it presents a new art style that seems pretty far out for such a mainstream game, one that has charmed me to an uncomfortable degree. The game also adds a new gameplay gimmick that, while it's not as drastic a change as Canvas Curse, still alters the basics of Kirby. And, like every new 2D platformer announced at E3, it has co-op.