Dead Space 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Feb 21 2011 22:06 GMT
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Joystiq interviews Visceral Games and finds out how one gruesome minute of Dead Space 2 was made.
In the future, our starship captains won't be as blindly heroic as their television counterparts. Their years of virtual training -- inside holo-capsule games like Dead Space 13: Amputheater -- will impart every single reason to avoid stranded ships and suspect space colonies. Even here, in 2011, Dead Space 2 provides an uncomfortable glimpse at the scary doors, inadequate fluorescent lighting and snarling horrors that await us off-planet. And that's before you die and come back to vicious near-life as a necrotized bag of flesh, running around wildly with scissors for hands.

The inhospitable, rickety world of Dead Space 2 and the disgusting creatures that populate it (and the necromorphs) don't seem worthy of care and devotion, yet it's all you see in every fuggy, expertly lit scene. There's no better way to see the detail-driven efforts of developer Visceral Games than by narrowing your focus to just one minute of the game, in which you're forced to watch a man shed every semblance of humanity and transform into a grotesque mess of flesh.

It's probably not as painful as it looks, I found out, because the poor guy doesn't have a brain.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 21 2011 11:00 GMT
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#deadspace Isaac Clarke, hero of the Dead Space series of horror/shooters from Electronic Arts, isn't the first man you'd turn to for fashion advice. I mean, he spends his days in an engineer suit. Covered in blood. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 18 2011 06:00 GMT
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In its continuing series on profiling character design in games, IndustryGamers has posted a chat with Visceral creative director Wright Bagwell on Dead Space 2 protagonist, Isaac Clarke. According to Bagwell, it was very important from the beginning that Dead Space's main character was a "normal everyday kind of guy" and that he made logical sense in the game's universe.

"We didn't want you to play a superhero, and we didn't want your character to be a space marine as well," said Bagwell, which led to the idea of an engineer sent to help an abandoned space ship. Not only did this help players identify with Isaac, but it also gave him "a lot of interesting things to do in this world as well."

Dead Space 2 presented new challenges, thanks to Isaac's newfound ability to speak. According to Bagwell, the team at Visceral tried to prevent Isaac's dialogue from pulling players out of the game. Thus the team "focused a lot on having him say things that [the team] thought were situationally appropriate." Speaking from personal experience, we can certainly identify with Isaac hurling expletives during the more shocking moments in Dead Space 2.

Head over to IndustryGamers to read the whole piece, which includes insights on the characters of Nicole and Stross, as well as Visceral's insistence on using creepy nursery rhymes.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 16 2011 18:33 GMT
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EA CEO John Riccitiello believes that the Dead Space franchise could reach the "five million unit cadence" with "Dead Space 3," though he didn't outright confirm the next sequel. Riccitiello was listing off the company's "strong, growing franchises" at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, reports CVG, when he footnoted Dead Space as a franchise close to becoming one of EA's biggest. After rifling off names like Madden, FIFA and Need for Speed, the exec said, "That excludes Dead Space because I think it will probably take Dead Space 3 before we get into that five million unit cadence versus say three, four."

EA has already invested quite a lot in Dead Space, making it an expansive, transmedia property (spanning animated films, comics and a novel). That commitment seemingly paid off with the release of Dead Space 2 last month. The sequel trumped the first game's launch sales "2-to-1," according to EA.

Now, if only there was room in EA's purse to support another franchise.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 11 2011 23:30 GMT
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The disgust-inducing, gore-loving staff of Visceral Games will be playing a few multiplayer rounds of Dead Space 2 this Saturday. Two sessions are scheduled for both PSN and Xbox Live, one beginning at 11:00am PST and another at 3:00pm. To make things more interesting, the developers will be wearing special "viral" suits. Any player that manages to kill a developer will unlock that suit. From that point, the suit goes viral. In other words, anyone who kills another player that unlocked the suit will also unlock it.

Those who plan to attend are asked to RSVP on the Dead Space Facebook page. has also listed the gamertags Visceral will be using. Those wishing to play on Xbox should send friend requests to the listed tags. Find them after the break.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Feb 11 2011 19:01 GMT
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I’m happy to announce we will be doing a PlayStation 3 Dead Space 2 Game with Developers session on Saturday, February 12th starting at 3pm PST RSVP here! So far, the reaction to Dead Space 2’s multiplayer has been mixed — some people really love it, others have yet to discover how much fun it can be. The best thing I can tell folks is to play as a team and communicate. Dead Space 2’s MP was designed around both cooperation and competition; if you run off like some Space Marine Bozo, you will get TORN UP. Work with your teammates, coordinate as you move towards your objectives, and remember: A team that plays together will generally win.

I’m excited about this weekend since the team and I will be getting a chance to play with people on the PS3. Not only do I hope that we can help people understand the best strategies for success, but we will also have a few cool goodies for those people who are dedicated to playing MP.

The team and I will be wearing two all-new Viral Suits during this Saturday’s session RSVP here: 1. White Tiger Stripe 2. Viral Blue. The idea here is that if people manage to kill the developers they will unlock one or both of these suits. The best part is that after someone gets the suit it goes “viral,” meaning that anyone who kills a person wearing one of the suit will also unlock it. So anyone who gets that suit will have a big bulls-eye on their back!


In addition to this weekend’s multiplayer session, the team (as well as myself) hops online from time to time for impromptu game sessions. If you’re interested in keeping up to date on when we may be playing, or to see if we have any other neat tricks up our sleeves, please follow me on Twitter. Leveluptime is also my PSN ID!

If you want to keep fully up to date on all things Dead Space, please follow @DeadSpace on Twitter.

One last thing: if you want to make sure to be a part of the Game with Developers session this Saturday, please RSVP here.

Thanks a ton for supporting the Dead Space 2 team and Visceral Games. I look forward to playing and meeting you all this weekend.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 10 2011 20:06 GMT
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Complete a number of missions while earning new costumes as the Sprawl Security Team.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 09 2011 00:11 GMT
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How did the concept of Dead Space begin and evolve?

Posted by Joystiq Feb 08 2011 10:00 GMT
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The Plasma Cutter replica included with the collector's edition of Dead Space 2 is nice and all, but it doesn't have that overboard extravagance that some people want from their video game memorabilia. Now, these full-size replicas being released next month -- there's some real, substantial money-wastin'.

The $220 replica of the Plasma Cutter from the first Dead Space, and the $240 Dead Space 2 version, are packaged in metal briefcase-style carriers, and have rechargeable batteries to power the realistic "3-blast spot" lighting. The only thing they lack is real cutting power -- which is a shame, because at these prices, you're going to wish for real life-or-death monster battles to justify the cost.

[Thanks, Johnnynumber5!]

Posted by Joystiq Feb 08 2011 04:00 GMT
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Spooky cathedrals, fun technology and lots of slimy necromorphs to dismember at will -- is there anything else you could possibly want in Dead Space 2? Well, Gareth Garratt, a gamer living with cerebral palsy, would like to see customizable controls implemented in the game. Garratt is trying to play the horror sequel on PC, partly by pushing a mouse with his chin, and is unhappy that he can't assign the "walk forward" command to a mouse button. Plenty of games allow for customizable controls, he says, so why can't Dead Space 2?

Over 20,000 fellow players agree, and they've signed an online Internet petition asking video game publishers to make sure that all games offer customization for their controls. Here's the good news: Dead Space 2 dev Visceral Games has already heard them loud and clear. Executive Producer Steve Papoutsis tells Joystiq that a patch for the PC version of the game enabling full control remapping is on the way, and that "a number of folks on our team are so passionate about getting this fix done that they are currently working hard" on it. Papoutsis says the patch will fix a few other issues with the PC version, and that a release date will be announced "when the patch is fully tested." You can read his remarks in full after the break.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 07 2011 14:25 GMT
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Looking for a discount on spacefaring scares? Amazon is offering Dead Space 2 on Xbox 360 today for $39.99 (the PS3 version has already sold out), and $39.95 on PC, allowing you to get a sensible cost-per-unit on "holy craps." The retailer is also offering the Collector's Edition for $59.95 -- what you'd normally pay for the standard edition. PS3 copies of this edition are still available, and include a free Move-compatible Dead Space Extraction (as all first-run PS3 copies do), boosting the pants-wetting/money ratio even further.

This deal will expire at the end of the day or until Amazon runs out of copies, so if you're interested get it now or face the terrifying proposition that you'd have to pay more. That's the bad kind of scare.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 07 2011 12:00 GMT
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#art Since there aren't many (living) people around in Dead Space 2, you're left with more time than usual to admire the architecture of Titan Station. And what better way to admire it further than with this concept art. More »

Posted by IGN Feb 07 2011 10:38 GMT
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Dead Space 2 on top as EA lock out top slots.

Posted by IGN Feb 04 2011 23:34 GMT
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Super flesh toilet expedition 2011. 

Posted by Joystiq Feb 03 2011 17:30 GMT
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There are lots of ways to get your favorite video game signed by the developers. You could win a contest, corner the developers at a conference and, of course, stalk them. Now, thanks to a Dead Space fan named Ashley, there's another method -- have your dog destroy the disc.

Whilst playing her brand new copy of Dead Space 2, it seems Ashley's dog knocked over her Xbox 360, irreparably damaging the disc. Naturally, Ashley did what anyone would do in that situation: She shared her woes on Twitter. Visceral art director Ian Milham spotted her tweets, asked for her address and sent her the goodies seen above. Yes, that is a hand-drawn picture of Isaac Clarke scolding Ashley's dog next to a (very) signed copy of Dead Space 2.

Truly, it's a heart-warming story about one of the most disgusting video games around -- and more tolerable as marketing than the "Your Mom Hates This" campaign. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have to go coat this Halo: Reach disc with peanut butter.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 03 2011 06:00 GMT
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#ea Ashley's dog broke her Xbox 360 while she was in the middle of playing Dead Space 2. That's usually grounds for a sob story, but this one has a happy ending. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 03 2011 01:30 GMT
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#religion Despite its resemblance to Scientology, Unitology - Dead Space's fictitious religion - isn't a parody of the controversial church, the game's creative director told MTV Multiplayer. "I think people get that because the name is very similar," he said. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 03 2011 01:30 GMT
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Unitology, the kind-of-creepy religion that appears in Dead Space and its sequel, is based on a science fiction story, has lots of money collected from members moving up through ranks and ends in "-tology" -- ring any bells? Yes, a lot of players are making comparisons to the real life Church of Scientology, which was incorporated by science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard and has gained a lot of press as a church for rich celebrities. But any comparisons are strictly coincidental, says Dead Space 2's creative director Wright Bagwell.

Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, Bagwell says that the in-game church was "never really intended to be a jab at any particular religion." Instead, it's about "people's illogical thinking about things they don't understand." Even in our own world, technology has gotten incredibly complex in the last 30 years, and while much of humanity's superstition and myth was disproven by the Scientific Revolution, Bagwell says that science has brought the people in Dead Space 2 back around to ritual and faith. "In this complex, futuristic world, people are looking for ways to simplify their lives and put their faith in something that they don't have to think too much about."

That, and the Church of Scientology is notoriously litigious.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 02 2011 01:40 GMT
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Looking for something to remind you that the blood-curdling horror of Dead Space 2 isn't real? Might we suggest this behind-the-scenes video, in which the developers expose all the game's visual tricks? See -- just smoke and mirrors, that's all ...

Posted by Joystiq Feb 01 2011 22:45 GMT
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Despite an overwhelmingly positive critical reception, the first Dead Space was a launch dud when it hit retail in mid-October of 2008. Reporting on its life-to-date sales through that November, Gamasutra described it, along with fellow EA newcomer Mirror's Edge, as having "failed miserably" -- NPD data showed that Dead Space was below 500K unit sales more than a month after launch. The following February, EA would quietly confirm that the game had become a million-seller by the end of 2008.

Fast-forward two Februaries later and EA is bringing back up that bleak launch, but this time in new light: "Dead Space 2 launched last week [...] outscoring the original Dead Space and outselling it two-to-one," the publisher trumpeted in its latest list of business highlights (without revealing specific figures). Putting the Dead Space 2 commercial launch in such stark terms sounds impressive, but in reality it's more like "a pretty good launch" for a deserving sequel.

So, EA, when are you gonna give Mirror's Edge its second chance?

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 01 2011 14:00 GMT
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A dramatic look at the visual effects employed in Visceral Game's Dead Space 2.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 01 2011 13:00 GMT
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#deadspace Dead Space 2 is a crazy good game, and the survival horror series is building up a sizable fan base. Know what that means? More »

Posted by Joystiq Jan 31 2011 15:30 GMT
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Isaac Clarke's Necromorph nightmare is a dream for EA, as Dead Space 2 reached the top spot on the all formats UK sales chart last week. According to Chart-Track, launch sales of the intense sequel were up 70 percent from when Dead Space debuted at sixth in 2008.

Sackboy took a 48 percent sales tumble, dropping LittleBigPlanet 2 into second, while FIFA 11 enjoyed the top-seated action in third. The peanut-butter-and-jelly goodness of stabbing and shooting round out the top five with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Call of Duty: Black Ops in fourth and fifth, respectively.

The week also saw the return of the original Just Dance into the top ten, meaning Ubisoft had the original and its sequel in the top ten just cha-cha-chinging away. Check out the top ten in UK sales after the break.

Posted by IGN Jan 31 2011 11:10 GMT
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Visceral's game victorious.

Posted by Kotaku Jan 29 2011 05:30 GMT
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#deadspace Like most games, you get some cool stuff for completing Dead Space 2. Complete the game on its "hardcore" difficulty, though, and you'll get something better than cool. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jan 29 2011 03:30 GMT
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If you finish Dead Space 2's hardcore mode, two things will happen: First, you'll earn our undying respect; second, you'll unlock a pretty hilarious yet incredibly deadly weapon, the hand cannon. Check it out in the video past the break!

Posted by Kotaku Jan 29 2011 02:30 GMT
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#screengrab Alien vs. Dead Space, by Vitor Zago. Don red/blue glasses to see the 3D effect. (Click it for big size). Or see the original work in standard color. Seen on DeviantArt. More »

Posted by IGN Jan 29 2011 01:23 GMT
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What do the other editors think of the return of the Necromorphs?