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Gold Prognosticus's board older than one year ago

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Posted by Gold Prognosticus Jun 26 2010 07:45 GMT
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Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 29 2010 15:04 GMT
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well i think your host guy accidentally erased the mountain map and my builder statues got erased when he re-started the server
Gold Prognosticus
I've just sent the islands map and the expanded main map to my host, they should be uploaded soon.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 29 2010 09:36 GMT
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Made using IsoCraft.

woah that's cool
my house looks so awesome in this
Gold Prognosticus
Here's another one, this time of Mountain:

Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 16 2010 16:16 GMT
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I downloaded a custom server which supports a whole lot more stuff. As always, it'll only be on when I can run it, but I'm open to suggestions if anybody has any. For builder rank, either post your minecraft username here or talk to me in-game.

Gold Prognosticus

Server's up again. (Edit: Not any more.)

Gold Prognosticus
Yeah, it seems to be taking host a while to get himself sorted out. If it's not sorted tommorow I'll ask him about it.
Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 24 2010 17:15 GMT
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youre the only brit here xp
but i dont get it till june either
At least we got Sin & Punishment 2 ahead of you lot.
Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 21 2010 15:10 GMT
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Lord Crump
holy shit, this is awesome beyond belief

My high score is 32800.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 05 2010 15:33 GMT
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Seeing as the old one's been taken offline, I thought I'd try my hand at setting up one myself.

It'll almost certainly be up whenever I'm using the computer. I'll see if it's possible for me to run it 24/7, but I'm making no promises.

my server is still up what are you talking about
Gold Prognosticus
Down for the night, doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to run it 24/7, sorry.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus May 02 2010 13:15 GMT
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It doesn't make much sense to have it on constantly with nobody playing it, so I'm considering switching it with a Gmod or TF2 server which might get a bit more activity from people inside and outside digibutter. Which leads me to my question: Would you guys prefer a TF2 server, or a Garrys Mod server?

Jr The Dark Knight
TF2 please.

A TF2 server would be pretty cool to have. Still don't have Gmod, though.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Apr 12 2010 16:08 GMT
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Server Status:  (Updated every 10 minutes)

Download Link: http://st0rage.org/~hunterx/Client.zip

Server Details: http://st0rage.org/~hunterx/nerronline.html

I downloaded a 2D MMO creator and am trying my hand on creating a game with a Digibutter/Bitlands/SPM theme. I am currently looking for help in the following areas:

  • Mapping - The engine uses a built-in map editor, so this part isn't too complicated.
  • Spriting - This is where I need the most help, since I suck at spriting.
  • Hosting - Currently the only way I can host the game is via my home PC, which means I won't be able to run it 24/7. If anyone knows of a free/cheap host that allows the running of servers and programs (specifically, a windows executable), please let me know. (Francis may be able to host, but he's very busy at the moment and hasn't been able to try yet.)

I've tried doing things like this in the past but they've always failed for various reasons. Provided there's enough interest on the site however, this might actually work.

sure i'll help out. What is the creator are you using?

All done.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Apr 19 2010 20:05 GMT
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If it's a fake then it's very well made.

It isn't fake.
They won't change it because its FAKE

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Apr 17 2010 11:47 GMT
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My only regret is that most of the major events and parties took place while I was asleep.

Fallen Shade
The Chaos Heart

I should take over Digibutter again. lol.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Apr 11 2010 10:52 GMT
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Normally when you enter a url on this site which doesn't exist you get an 'Unable to complete request' error. But when you enter the above url, you instead get a 'Page forbidden' error. I don't think this is just a remnant of old Digi, since I couldn't find any links to a shop directory on the old site.


Posted by Gold Prognosticus Feb 20 2010 15:30 GMT
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I've had no internet or telephone for the past four days, which I have been told was due to somebody stealing a phone line and thus wrecking the phone network across a moderate area.

Did I miss anything while I was away?


Posted by Gold Prognosticus Jan 06 2010 19:42 GMT
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Dear god.



This and SMG...
I see no difference in quality.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Dec 10 2009 12:54 GMT
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Click the link. Don't let eggy die!

eh, that looks really lame. maybe I should build a click-my-pet game

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Dec 17 2009 17:47 GMT
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If it keeps up we might actually have a white christmas for once.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Dec 09 2009 16:08 GMT
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Copy this picture of a tree and edit it how you like. Post your entries in this topic. After an undecided date we will begin voting on our favourites via some system I have yet to devise and then choose a winner.

Keep in mind that if Francis releases an official contest then this will likely be cancelled, and it is entirely possible we may never reach the voting stage anyway - this is mainly just a filler until something official happens.

Submitted Trees:

None yet!

lol, good timing as usual GP. I am launching the christmas tree contest today

Save time and go D:D

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Dec 06 2009 20:16 GMT
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Posted by Gold Prognosticus Nov 30 2009 20:00 GMT
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...erm, so what exactly is working then?

Fallen Shade
default page is default

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Nov 19 2009 16:28 GMT
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Wow, has it really been two whole years since I first joined this site?

I can say for certain that this is the only site ever to keep me around for that long. I've seen the highs and lows of this community and although I might not post as often as I would like, I have never once considered leaving. Perhaps it's because of the people here - this site seems to me as being more of a family than any other site I've visited. Sure you argue sometimes, but the fact that we are stil here shows we can move past that. It's true we don't have lots of members, but that only makes the community closer.

You guys are awesome, and I look forward to another great year here on Digibutter.

Thanks for sticking around! I intentionally chose to put the new server in northeast US so the site would be better for you Europeans.
The only reason I'm here is because I'm not good enough to get into Newgrounds.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Nov 15 2009 16:50 GMT
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But my steam group is small and nobody's going on. Do you want me to give you guys the Hamachi network details so you can get on?


Hamachi Network Name: Digi Game Network

Network Password: itsank

Server should appear in the lan list. Keep in mind it may crash or not even work at all.

Yes please
Gold Prognosticus
It was on for hours and nobody joined :(
I might put it up again some other day, if I feel like it.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Nov 06 2009 16:46 GMT
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Yes, YES~

Oh hey this topic, hi 2 years ago. also yay for sage replies

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Oct 29 2009 19:56 GMT
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If what the gibus thing says is true, then that is very nice of them to give us another way to get the hat

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Oct 27 2009 09:56 GMT
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(The link is the UK version, there's an American equivalent but I don't know the address)

I'm considering buying this deal (school emails ftw) but I'll need to make sure my audio card can handle it, since it turned up as a problem on the compatibility checker. Those of you who tried the beta, is it worth switching from XP to 7?

yes, Windows 7 is great. Although I have only used it on a fast new laptop, and not on an old XP machine.
Gold Prognosticus
Well, my dad's just ordered a copy (he payed a bit extra to get a disc) for use on his laptop. We'll see how well it works then.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Oct 17 2009 11:44 GMT
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What's in there that Francis doesn't want us to see? :shifty:
Posted by Gold Prognosticus Oct 07 2009 15:45 GMT
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Posted by Gold Prognosticus Sep 29 2009 19:49 GMT
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Post here so I know how many of us there are.

Posted by Gold Prognosticus Sep 10 2009 14:59 GMT
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Fix eet plx Franos.
I agree.
Gold Prognosticus
Bump for importance.
Posted by Gold Prognosticus Sep 22 2009 18:51 GMT
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Gold Prognosticus
Also, obvious avatar is obvious.
francis, the only reason people use the same names on the internet on a forum like this if they aren't a new member is to impersonate someone and that's *crag*ing annoying