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Super-Claus's board older than one year ago

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Posted by Super-Claus Aug 18 2011 02:44 GMT
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Men with impossible muscles argue about power levels while I play unfitting music?
Tails Doll

You ruined it Dim.

Posted by Super-Claus Aug 16 2011 05:01 GMT
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shit iunno looks like he's all grown up i guess we better shut down the website
>my parents know
Good, i hope they gave you a nice kick in the ass

Posted by Super-Claus Aug 16 2011 05:43 GMT
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who ever expected mountain dew to be made out of twist up?

why are you destroying soda cans

Posted by Super-Claus Aug 15 2011 02:21 GMT
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well what the *crag* else do you have to do on a sunday night?

Posted by Super-Claus Jul 29 2011 06:34 GMT
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Not exactly original in its platform material but the direction they're going with this is pretty interesting.

So what are your thoughts?

deus ex ripoff
Thats kinda what I meant by "Not exactly original in its platform material"

Posted by Super-Claus Jul 20 2011 05:00 GMT
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eh, Facebook won't end up like MySpace. MySpace was/is horrible

Posted by Super-Claus Jul 16 2011 05:45 GMT
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the conversation was about nas masturbating.

what the *CRAG*
I meant to put an ed at the end of pick
and in that context it was being applied to my choice of brand name

Posted by Super-Claus Jul 13 2011 16:05 GMT
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Is this actually real?

Fallen Shade
>12 offenders
>10 non-mappable offenders
All of these are probably underaged drinkers and pot smokers, lame

Posted by Super-Claus Jul 05 2011 05:54 GMT
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this is an advanced server


blah blah blah here is were you can find the command sheet:



have fun kiddies

I really don't give a shit what you think about this either play or don't play. i will load in the other maps later so you can have a varitey of choices on where you want to build. kthxbai

Posted by Super-Claus Jul 01 2011 05:43 GMT
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Here is the controller file for project 64 to be used with perfect dark and the NRage_DInput8_V2.dll Plugin that should be set in the input plugin area of the settings. Here is the download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?255xfltpexkejn3

These are the controls:

Analog controls:

Up: Keyboard Up key

Left: Move the mouse left

Right: Move the mouse right

Down: Keyboard Down key


Start: Keyboard Enter

A: Mouse wheel up

B: Right Mouse Click

L-Trig: Push Down Mouse Wheel

R-Trig: Mouse wheel down

Z-Trig: Left Mouse Click

C Buttons( on modern controlers a c-stick):

Up: Keyboard number 1 (I suggest using the number pad near the arrow keys)

Left: Keyboard Left Key

Right: Keyboard Right Key

Down: Keyboard number 0 (I suggest using the number pad near the arrow keys)

Still very loose, I'm working on fine tuning the accuracy of the mouse, but I think that right now unless your desperate for a mouse that using the keyboard for the whole thing would be better.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 30 2011 05:08 GMT
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these guys were hopping on the tf2 f2p bandwagon and trying to get more viewers from it.
Fallen Shade


Posted by Super-Claus Jun 29 2011 01:45 GMT
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Ok let me just get the first big part out in the open.

It's an MMORPG.

I'm not looking for your disapproval or approval. this is simply a topic that will shed a little light on what I have been chatting about for that past two weeks.

So yeah, I've been working on this for a while now, and I'm not the only one working on it. A friend of mine from my digital design class is helping me out with some of the mapping.

Here is one of the maps I've made:

this is only part of the map and the enemy names are temporary.


Recently progress in its development took a step back when i upgraded to a better game engine and had to port all the graphics and maps over along with paper dolls(things that make items show up on a person) over to the new engine. The hardest part was re-scripting everything to fit the new engine, such as the quest system and the on death scripts.

I just recently finished re-scripting these and finally took a step forward in adding the new system of duration with your running, which means that you can only run for a certain amount of time before running out of energy.

I'm not going to be telling you all anything as far as story and what type of world the game is based in until much later into its development.

Well that's about all I have to say so far. I'll update this periodically.

for the most part right now I'm focused on getting everything to work smoothly, after I get it all to run i will get to work on making it unique.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 23 2011 00:51 GMT
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come quick


Posted by Super-Claus Jun 22 2011 20:09 GMT
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the funny thing is some of this technology already exists, like see through displays and dual screen phones.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 18 2011 13:05 GMT
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Posted by Super-Claus Jun 18 2011 01:42 GMT
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though instead of a blue police box for a tardis he has a ... port-a-potty for a tardis.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 12 2011 14:15 GMT
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this game sucked
I figured out why I never heard of this before, it's because it's incredibly stupid

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 11 2011 18:49 GMT
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It all began one fine saturday morning on digibutter.

I was telling everyone about how everyone in my hometown is batshit insane.

But then flavio asked me why I liked anal sex.

I quickly asked him where he had heard that. He did not reply.

So then I sought out on a quest to find the origins of butt sex.

After a month of research in the ancient cities of Greece I found out that anal sex had first been recorded in the year 510 BC by some Greek scholars and had been painted on many vases. But I knew that there had to be more too it. If I had known how far this trip would take me, I would have gone home right then and there. But I didn't know. I didn't know.

I had found some older research by a doctor Milligan Crofert in southern Mexico. I tracked him down in a search for ANY leads.  He pointed me to some ancient Aztec ruins that were dedicated to the god Kcidniehtttub. The ruins were empty, or so I thought. I found an indent in the floor in the sacrifice room. I smashed through the bricks and found that there was a second floor under the first one. Inscribed on this floor was a map leading from my current location down south towards a forest near by the Panama Canal. I traveled to this forest and found a cave that had seemed undisturbed by man for centuries.  The cave appeared to be an Aztec mine. So I went on exploring deeper into the caves, and then I found it. The golden Idol. A penis crafted entirely out of solid gold sitting in the middle of a chamber within the cave. I took the golden penis, hoping it would lead me to wherever I needed to go to find more awnsers. The trail went cold, until one day I came across a mostly destroyed shrine in the middle of a forest on the continent of South America. The shrine was nothing but a pile of stones, spare on part of it. There was a small tree, right in the middle of the shrine, and it had a bowl of stone built around it. The stone was grey on all but one part, which was built out of sandstone. It was the only part that would grow any moss as well. I went in the direction the moss pointed and soon came across a tribe of people within the forest. The treated me kindly and tried to point out a city on my map. I shook my head no and showed them the golden Idol. They backed up in awe. The shaman of the tribe came forward and pointed me to a river. He told me to dive in, and then I would know what to do.

I traveled to the river and dove in, but before I could think abut what to do next I was swept away by a rushing current. I tried to fight the water but it was gaining speed. I soon found that the water was disappearing far in front of me, along with the land. A water fall. One so big I couldn't even hear the water hit the bottom. I realized what it was too late though, as I was pulled over the side

I began falling down, faster and faster. I then saw it, at the bottom of the chasm I was falling into. I giant golden anus. I pulled out the golden Idol and hell it in front of me. Everything went quiet. The Idol began to ring and glow along with the ass

It flew out of my hands and toward the anus. It flew into the anus and then everything stopped

I was suspended in mid air, along with the water, the wind, the animals, everything, except I could still move and think and breathe. Suddenly the anus and Idol flew into the sky, transforming in the sunlight. It became the god Kcidniehtttub! He said this to me:

"Welcome Dimfish, I see you have found me and my lost idol. For this I will grant you the knowledge of the origin of anal sex."

Suddenly my mind was filled with knowledge. I realized what the origin of butt sex was right then.

The origin of butt sex was...




I never asked you that so you already *crag*ed up and I'm not reading the rest.



Posted by Super-Claus Jun 11 2011 15:26 GMT
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Posted by Super-Claus Jun 08 2011 01:43 GMT
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"wanted him to do you so much you can do anything"

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 07 2011 19:32 GMT
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same smash bros, will be able to play together, holy shit balls

Gold Prognosticus
I wonder what new characters they'll announce this time around.

dat 3D  zero suit samus ass

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 05 2011 16:05 GMT
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EDIT: The easiest way to connect is through Doomseeker

slim has kindly provided likns to the tutorial and fix for doom seeker in the comments below


Well with the release of the Powered Up Upgrade I decided to put my server back online so here we go:

EDIT: Here you can download RageRoboenza

Server Name (can be found in the list in game):

Digibutter Server

Server IP:

Current Game Mode:

Standard Deathmatch

This is a Digibutter-specific (though open to the public)server for MM8BDM, so yeah update MM8BDM if you haven't already, and join on in. You can download MM8BDM for the pc here and the mac version here

These are the wads I use in my server

Since I will be on most of the time to mess around with maps I'm just going to let it roll out the maps in numerical order when I'm not here to manage becuase it messes up the server to have it go on a constant reset of the map list when there isn't someone to maintain the change of maps.

For roboenza make sure you have the WAD file attached when you enter the client then you can sign in to the server just fine.

Tails Doll
I refuse to associate with Cutman.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 06 2011 01:50 GMT
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vid de-mod her it was just some harmless fun and she only did it becuase she has grown power crazy


Tails Doll

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 06 2011 02:08 GMT
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for obvious reasons

weedlord bonerhitler
I love how I get away with this multiple times but dim is too much of a *crag* to get away with it.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 05 2011 23:53 GMT
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lol totally
It's not on jewtube.

Posted by Super-Claus Jun 05 2011 14:50 GMT
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I mean who wouldn't want this on the 3DS:

Posted by Super-Claus May 29 2011 21:13 GMT
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Man, Francis. So much y'never show us. Videos like this, it's hard to believe you're the same ol' person we've complained to all these years.
That was a really high up damn at about 2:10

Posted by Super-Claus May 29 2011 02:28 GMT
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Later, the small asian man died of a fatal concussion.
Tails Doll
Wouldn't that technically be pedophilia.

Posted by Super-Claus May 25 2011 10:39 GMT
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It went out around 5 yesterday, and didn't come back on till like 10 minutes ago.

So a storm came right the *crag* out of nowhere and tore a hole in the middle of the local powerplant, and most of the city is down. around half of it is back up, but most of that is residential. welp good to be back online.

You were gone?