1. first open your local area connections menu (Icon is in the corner of your desktop)
2. once in open the support tab
3. In the support tab click the details button
4. In the newly opend window you will see multiple addresses listed, there should be one called DNS server
5. on you web browser in the URL area type in the numbers next to the DNS server thing
6. Once the website is done loading you should be at you wireless router setup page, on this page you'll see a sidebar with a bunch of options.
7. Before you can do any of these things it will require you to log in, if you have a password set type it in, and if you dont have one set just leave the space blank
8. Now that your all logged in on the side bar click the MAC address filtering option
9. Once in you'll see an area where you can enter the wii's mac address.
10. turn on your wii and go to the system setup menu, once in go to the internet area, and go to console information, in there will be your wii's mac address, take your wii's mac address and enter it into one of the slots on your mac address filter slots back on the router setup site
11. once all thats done scroll down and click apply changes. You then just link you wii up to your router and it should work. This works most of the time, but if it doesnt just PM me again and I'll see what i can do.
i don't care if this is a remix, it's awesome