what should i ask for?
Dont want anything for PS3 as I already own the games I want on it. list any games for wii, gamecube, n64, GBA, DS, GBC, GB
Wii: Metal Slug Anthology - all the Metal Slug games up to the latest one, Metal Slug 6. (I know there's MS7 on DS but it's not really all that good.)
Gamecube: Ikaruga - Quite an interesting concept, it's like switching between two different games going on at the same time.
N64: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - I know this one's a bit of a stretch, but the Ganbare Goemon series has been great fun from the first game so you'll enjoy this title a lot.
GBA: Sonic Advance 2 - I've just noticed that the way the acts and zones were arranged in the MD Sonic games mirrors that of the Sonic Advance series. Anyway, it's a 2D Sonic Platformer by Dimps so you can't really go wrong there.
DS: Club House Games/42 All-Time Classics - Almost a no-brainer since the DS is well-suited for card/board games, and a fantastic multiplayer experience to boot.
GBC: Legend Of Zelda: Links' Awakening DX - Basically the original GB game remade in colour with extra content.
GB: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - Since the sheer amount of different Pokemon nowadays can be staggering for new players, it's good to get back to basics.
Zelda is raciest, notice that all the white people are either innocent civilians or heros and that all black people are bad guys bent on destroying the world.
The Gerudos aren't trying to destroy the world. wtf are you talking about.
I went onto the wii shop channel today for the first time in months, and found a game called sexy poker, all i can say is HAWT DIGITOUL BOOBZORZ FAPFAPFAP
there's no one else on digi, no one on bitlands, and no one on my other forums which I will not mention cause we've got enough trolls over there as it is. *sigh* I'm so B-O-R-E-D.
When does school start for you? Hmm, we'll have to find something for you to do...
found this deep in the archives of my 83. good it was an awesome game.