Zen Pinball Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Jan 14 2010 01:15 GMT
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Wondering what the official Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 table for ZEN Pinball looks like in motion? Wonder no more -- the video above will show you all of the Hayabusa-style bumper action you'll be able to find, complete with ramps, flashing lights, ninja spirits and... burning pagodas? Boy, those ZEN folks aren't really pinball traditionalists, are they? But it does look fun. The table will bring new gameplay modes and missions along with it to the PlayStation store on Thursday, January 14, for $2.49 (€1.99). Of course, it's DLC for the original ZEN Pinball game, so you've got to have that, too. Wait, we just rewatched it -- did Ryu just slice the ball in half? That's pretty awesome!

Posted by Joystiq Oct 06 2009 00:20 GMT
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We're not sure how the ZEN Pinball team does it, but they've managed to create another crossover DLC table for the popular PSN pinball game. The follow-up to the Street Fighter table pays tribute to Team Ninja's Ninja Gaiden series. The official details will be revealed on the PlayStation.Blog soon, but we're pretty sure it'll be similar to the last DLC offering.[Thanks, HeavyToka!]