Battlefield Heroes Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Apr 07 2010 03:02 GMT
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Electronic Arts has officially launched Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online, its free-to-play version of the popular golf game. Players can sign in with an EA persona and play a limited number of featured courses for free (St. Andrews and Sheshan are the two currently available), while earning XP and money for the in-game Pro Shop. Alternatively, for you fat cats out there, packages of points are also available for $10, $20, and $40 that can be spent on in-game items or rounds of golf at locked courses.

The game also offers group tournaments and friend-to-friend messaging -- essentially, it's very much EA's attempt to bring the successful Battlefield Heroes model to a new audience. In an interview with CNBC today, Peter Moore made it clear that they're behind both star Tiger Woods and this game. The free-to-play title is designed to pull in an audience of "40-year golfers, mostly male," Moore said, adding that "it's our job to upsell them." If EA Sports can do that as well as the Battlefield Heroes team has, then we may see even more of these free-to-play online titles from the company.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 22 2010 21:40 GMT
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#ea Electronic Arts tells Kotaku that while they're exploring different downloadable game strategies, they do not plan to charge gamers for "traditionally free game demos." More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 16 2010 21:20 GMT
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When EA DICE decided to release some downloadable armaments in the original Battlefield: Bad Company, it proved to be a fairly unpopular decision. However, the recently found a way to outfox the gaming community, releasing Bad Company 2 DLC without drawing our ire. How did the studio accomplish such a feat? Easy -- it just released the DLC in a completely different game.

Battlefield Heroes recently received a large push of content inspired by Bad Company, including six modern weapons and the outfits of George Haggard and Kirilenko. Best of all, if you log onto Heroes while using an account that's also linked to Bad Company 2, you'll receive the Battlefunds required to purchase the new gear. Check out the new equipment in the trailer posted after the jump.

[Thanks Graeme!]

Posted by Kotaku Mar 16 2010 11:00 GMT
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#battlefieldbadcompany2 With public interest in free-to-play shooter Battlefield Heroes at critical levels following EA's controversial changes to the game's pay structure, the publisher is trying to light a fire under the game with a Battlefield Bad Company crossover. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 30 2010 00:17 GMT
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The eternal battle between Vampires and Werewolves storms over into Battlefield Heroes.

Posted by IGN Dec 16 2009 18:28 GMT
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Embark on a new battle with an all-new map.

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 22 2009 21:57 GMT
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Is it worth wiling away the hours here?

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 14 2009 19:25 GMT
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Battlefield Heroes has already recruited one million players!

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 02 2009 01:14 GMT
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"Liar liar, your pants, are on FIRE!" said Pacino at Nuremburg.

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 02 2009 01:14 GMT
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"Liar liar, your pants, are on FIRE!" said Pacino at Nuremburg.

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 02 2009 00:55 GMT
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You were killed by ArrM8ey. Are you gonna take that?