Hearts of Iron III Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 26 2012 18:00 GMT
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Haha, I love it when trailers are just menus and maps. I mean all due respect to the intricate work of strategic cleverness that is Hearts of Iron III, obviously, but that image up there is their parting shot in the trailer. Really. Of all the menus or maps they could leave lingering in their mind at the end of the trailer, that’s the one for their latest expansion, Their Finest Hour.

Beautiful. Beautiful. I mean that.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 03 2011 15:12 GMT
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World War II-themed grand strategy game as digital collectible card game? It’s both a deeply weird idea and rather an ingenious one, seeing as it encourages thinking extremely tactically about the all-too-slim military resources you have in a bitter battle against an enemy general. I suspect I’d be rubbish at it, as my only considered tactic would be “play the tank card! And again! And again! The tank card! Again!” Fortunately, Paradox have put out some tutorial videos, so you can hear from far wiser minds than mine.

The free-to-play (funded by booster pack transactions, of course), browser-based game is now open to any and all players, but unfortunately the site seems to be having a bit of a wobble at the moment, so you may need to remember what patience is. What is patience? It’s a virtue. It’s also FOR THE WEAK. F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5…(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 06 2011 12:19 GMT
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Hearts Of Iron III: For The Motherland is the second expansion for all-encompassing wargame, Hearts Of Iron III. What it does is basically fill out an already complex wargame with even more details. There are now new strategic resources in the game, as well as partisan factions, internal politics and coups. But you need not take my word for it, because lead designer Chris King totally explains it up in a new video diary, which you can see below. (more…)

Posted by IGN Mar 30 2010 14:58 GMT
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Tweaks and balances for a demanding community.

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 07 2009 21:33 GMT
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Strategy launches anew.

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 10 2009 22:05 GMT
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In war, there is nothing wrong with a little lightning.

Posted by Meow Mod Jun 18 2009 20:38 GMT
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This gameplay is not Japanese, but about Japan.