Resident Evil 5 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Jul 06 2010 16:23 GMT
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Your first motion control game may be one you already own.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 06 2010 14:48 GMT
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Given all the release announcements, new games and other such hullabaloo that's recently surrounded the PlayStation Move, we wouldn't be surprised if you've forgotten about one of the earliest titles known to support the ice cream cone-shaped peripheral: Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition. Perhaps this will jog your memory: Sony Japan recently announced that the game will be bundled with the Move controller and PlayStation Eye, a package which will sell for 7,980 yen (about $90).

Sadly, zero gamers will be purchasing this particular bundle, as Sony Japan also announced the "PlayStation Move BIG 3 GUN SHOOTING Perfect Pack," a commanding package which includes Time Crisis: Razing Storm, Dead Storm Pirates and Time Crisis 4: Arcade Version. Of course, this bundle costs 11,980 yen (about $136) and features three games that, even when combined, aren't as good as RE5 -- but still! It's the BIG 3 GUN SHOOTING Perfect Pack. How are we supposed to say no to that?

Posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2010 13:00 GMT
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#capcom Like the sunrise, death and taxes, you betcha Japanese game developer is going to make the inevitable sequel to Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6. The game designer helming the project, however, is not so certain. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 24 2010 13:00 GMT
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#capcom When Capcom showed survival horror game Resident Evil 5 being playing with PS3 Move motion controls at last year's Tokyo Game Show, I quietly snickered to myself. No, actually, it may have been audible. Boy, was I ever wrong. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 17 2010 20:46 GMT
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We played RE5 with the PlayStation Move, and lived to tell about it.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2010 03:00 GMT
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Click for a closer look Some people would have you believe that the printed word is on the way out, but it turns out the medium is undead after all. No, you're not i-Majini-ng things, there really is a Resident Evil 5 art book, and it's shambling to shelves this July. Entitled The Art of Resident Evil 5, the book is being released by Udon and contains loads of content from the game, including "3D models, character designs, environments, storyboards, and promotional art." It also includes "never before seen concept art and unused designs," creator commentary and interviews with the development staff.

You can pre-order the 204 page book from Amazon, where it's currently selling for $26.39 (34 percent off the usual $39.99 price tag).

Posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2010 04:30 GMT
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#marketing A few weeks ago, I did a feature on a company that's responsible for game logos and box art. Today, then, I thought we'd look at something similar: a company that does box art and marketing material. More »

Posted by IGN Mar 17 2010 23:00 GMT
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Our take on Capcom's ultimate collection of RE5 goodness.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 10 2010 18:00 GMT
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Confused about exactly which costumes you'd get from a Resident Evil 5 costume pack? Buy them all! And buy both DLC episodes while you're at it. Capcom just announced that it's bundling the two costume packs, as well as both the "Lost in Nightmares" and "Desperate Escape" episodes together as a single "Untold Stories Bundle."

It'll be available today on Xbox Live for 960 ($12) and tomorrow on PlayStation Network for $12.50. Individually, all that content would add up to $14, and would require up to four tedious menu navigations. Either way, it's still cheaper than buying the Gold Edition disc.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 03 2010 19:30 GMT
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A new Resident Evil 5 DLC episode, "Desperate Escape," is out today on Xbox Live and tomorrow on PSN. To celebrate, Capcom has once again set up your friends at Joystiq with five "Chibi Majini" T-shirts (in red this time) and DLC codes for the new episode on your choice of PS3 or Xbox 360.

If you want a closer look at the adorably murderable majini on the shirt, you'll find one after the break. Otherwise, to enter for your chance to win:
  • Leave a comment on this post telling us which Resident Evil character you would hope makes a cameo in "Desperate Escape"
  • You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec)
  • Limit 1 entry per person
  • This entry period ends at 2:00PM ET on Thursday, March 4
  • We'll randomly select five winners at that time to each receive a red "Chibi Majini" T-shirt [ARV $20] and a "Desperate Escape" DLC code [ARV $5] -- please check your emails!
  • For a list of complete rules, click here.
What is Joyswag? Since we don't keep the games and merchandise we receive for review or promotional purposes, it becomes "Joyswag," which is passed along to our readers. For more info on our policy, click here.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 03 2010 17:20 GMT
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#dlc Capcom's second heaping helping of Resident Evil 5 drops today, with the release of the Desperate Escape episode starring Josh and Jill, along with new costumes for stars Sheva and Chris. More »

Posted by IGN Feb 26 2010 21:44 GMT
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PSP and PS3 take over thanks to RE5 Gold Edition and God Eater.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 26 2010 14:35 GMT
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Even without the PlayStation Motion Controller to back it up, Resident Evil 5 has struck gold for a second time. The PS3 version of Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (Alternative Edition in Japan) hit the top of the Media Create sales chart in Japan following its February 18 release, selling 143,339 copies. God Eater continues to gobble up attention, taking the #2 spot with 64,192 copies sold.

Another big PS3 game debuted in the top ten this week: Heavy Rain, which fell in at #6, selling 26,775 units. In a way, the Japanese version is the superior release, because the voice acting doesn't seem to have been performed by French people faking Japanese accents. See the full top ten after the break.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 24 2010 01:08 GMT
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Jill Valentine's story continues in the Japanese import version of Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 22:23 GMT
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Take out those pesky emblems all throughout the Spencer Mansion.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 22:23 GMT
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Barry Burton and Excella Gionne join the contenders list for Mercenaries mode.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 22:23 GMT
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Join up with a friend and take on the Lost in Nightmares story DLC.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 22:23 GMT
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Jill Valentine ventures into yet another mansion with Chris Redfield to investigate the remnants of the Umbrella Corporation.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 22:23 GMT
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Chris Redfield and partner Jill infiltrate the Spencer Mansion to investigate

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 21:43 GMT
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Unleash your inner road warrior with the new get-ups in Resident Evil 5.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 17 2010 22:50 GMT
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If you downloaded the new Resident Evil 5 costume pack today expecting the "Heavy Metal" and "Business" costumes, then you might be a bit disappointed. And also a bit dressed in spiky shoulder pads. Instead of the two costumes advertised, the "Costume Pack 1" actually contains the "Fairy Tale" and "Warrior" outfits that were supposed to comprise the "Costume Pack 2" DLC. Surprise!

"This issue is known by Capcom," the publisher assures the inappropriately attired gamers affected by the issue, "and we are currently working with Microsoft for a solution." As for tomorrow's PS3 release of the costume pack, Capcom told Joystiq that it was "still verifying" which costumes will be included.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 17 2010 17:52 GMT
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As expected, the first of two Resident Evil 5 expansion episodes, "Lost in Nightmares," has been released today on Xbox Live (tomorrow on PSN) for the unterrifying price of 400 ($5). An additional Costume Pack, also the first of two, has hit the Marketplace as well, for 180 ($2), and joins the free Extra Figures DLC that appeared on Monday.

Capcom has also confirmed that the second episode, "Desperate Escape," previously dated for March 3 and 4 on XBLM and PSN, respectively, will launch at the same 400 / $4.99 price point and be joined by Costume Pack 2 (180 / $1.99). Then on March 9, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition will hit retail, combining all of the aforementioned DLC (on the PS3 disc; through vouchers with Xbox 360 copies) with the original game for $50; a modest discount for anyone who didn't pick up the original RE5 when it dropped last March. So, if you're not too interested in piloting air ships and wranglin' chocobos that week, Chris and Sheva have got your back. Will you have theirs? Hmm?

Shortcut: Purchase Lost in Nightmares, Costume Pack 1 and/or Resident Evil 5 (full game download) [via]

Posted by Joystiq Feb 16 2010 21:00 GMT
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As promised, both Resident Evil 5 and Beautiful Katamari are now available via Xbox Live Games on Demand. Resident Evil 5 is available everywhere except Korea, while Beautiful Katamari is available everywhere except India. The North American price for Resident Evil 5 is $29.99, with Beautiful Katamari going for $19.99. As usual, prices vary by region, so be sure to check your local details before plunking down the e-money.

It's worth pointing out that this week also marks the release of the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition DLC. In other words, you could actually own the entirety of the Gold Edition in a purely digital format (you know, if that's your thing). Strangely absent from Marketplace are the promised Resident Evil Avatar items, though we imagine those will be coming along shortly. Unless they're zombie outfits, in which case it may be a while before they shamble online.

Shortcut: Download Resident Evil 5 to your Xbox 360 (via
Shortcut: Download Beautiful Katamari to your Xbox 360 (via

Posted by Joystiq Feb 16 2010 19:00 GMT
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Capcom isn't exactly known for its generous support of DLC. But with the impending release of the very first Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition DLC this week, Capcom is giving everyone a free surprise on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Available for download now, the "Extra Figures" pack will add figures like Barry and Rebecca to your in-game statue collection ... "all for the affordable price of a free download!"

We've learned from plenty of schoolyard beatings that the only thing worse than being caught playing with action figures ... is being caught playing with action figures that aren't even real. We'll be doing this discreetly.

Download: Resident Evil 5: Extra Figures

[Thanks, Cj! Via Hell Descent]

Posted by IGN Feb 12 2010 16:16 GMT
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Capcom shows off the final two characters and also details the save system.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 11 2010 21:49 GMT
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Rebecca Chambers joins the list of playable characters in Mercenaries mode.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 11 2010 21:49 GMT
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Barry is back and ready to compete in the Mercenaries mode.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 11 2010 18:00 GMT
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Following yesterday's Famitsu news detailing the heroic pair's inclusion in Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition's Mercenaries Reunion mode, Capcom has confirmed that Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers will be included as playable characters in Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition. Sadly, our unbearably nerdy request for the more classic versions of these two characters was not honored, as both seem to be updates of their GameCube incarnations: Barry from REmake and Rebecca from Resident Evil Zero.