Gentlemen we strike at dawn
Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Sep 20 2010 06:09 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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so we're raiding this?
Reply by Nastasia Sep 20 2010 09:13 GMT
I feel too ashamed to use the name Chaohord now.
Reply by Slim Sep 20 2010 23:10 GMT
what time? EST? I'm not sleep depriving myself before a calc BC exam (2nd year u in high school)
Reply by FrozenWinters Sep 20 2010 23:41 GMT
nigga im in school till 1pm , if we strike at all we strike at like 3 pm
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 21 2010 20:55 GMT
A specific time would be nice.
Reply by sims Sep 21 2010 21:16 GMT
If we do raid this do it like at night or something maybe 8 to 10 pm somewhere around there
Reply by Nastasia Sep 21 2010 21:19 GMT
i say we do it on the weekend
the most amount of us will be free then
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 21 2010 21:31 GMT
*greatest not most
Reply by FrozenWinters Sep 21 2010 22:08 GMT
too bad we all suck too much to raid things
More like you guys suck to much to raid things without my involvement in them.
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 21 2010 23:49 GMT
i've actually been setting shit up for a raid, socializing with the locals, getting to know my surroundings.
its like avatar, but with more internet and a bunch of chao obsessed people instead of giant smurfs.
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 22 2010 00:17 GMT
If you're actually serious about this Dim try to find out times when the mods are on and when they're not and if you need to have to post so many times or prove any validation to post images.
Also it wouldn't hurt to find out if you can post flash either since that opens the door for even more content to use.
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 22 2010 00:33 GMT
Are you going to coerce the native women into letting you tail *crag* them.
Reply by Popple Sep 22 2010 08:15 GMT
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