Remember that shitty MSPA thing flavio made
Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Aug 23 2010 04:22 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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motivate flavio to work on that again because it was totally worth putting time and half-effort into

and you all loved it

so much


Work on it because nas isn't probably ever going to start hers up again
Reply by Fallen Shade Aug 23 2010 04:23 GMT
do it
Reply by Tails Doll Aug 23 2010 04:37 GMT
Goron I said I would, i have to focus on my summer work first though. give me 2 weeks
Reply by Nastasia Aug 23 2010 09:04 GMT
do it sure
Reply by Viddd Aug 23 2010 11:33 GMT
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