This is Victini, a very special Pokemon introduced for Pokemon Black and White. So special, in fact, that it occupies number 000 in the Pokedex. It's a "phantom Legendary" Pokemon.
Isn't it adorable? Doesn't it make you want to go to Japan in September, buy a copy of the game, and download it from a DS station or game retailer? Coincidentally, that's precisely how you acquire a Victini of your very own.
You'll probably be able to get one in the North American game after its spring 2011 launch, probably through a Toys R Us event or something like that, but do you really want to take that chance? Victini's just a plane ticket (and a couple of months) away.
to post a reply.
I don't see why they just put it at the very end of the Isshu dex, it's obviously another Mew/Celebi/Jirachi/Manaphy. I swear on all things holy if they make its National Dex number 000 as well I'll personally bomb Game Freak. That number will always be reserved for Missingno.
Why are wings growing out of it's ass?
Also it looks like a dick.
body is a cock
now everyone can see it
also i saw this thing before, it looks stupid
it's not even a real pokemon.
bunch of *crag*ing manchildren.
Dear darkz,
Love, Yellow
P.S. troll harder
Love, Ph1r3
Where do you get off?
Maybe it's not gonna be #000 on the national dex? Oh wait, I forgot you people are too busy shitting your pants over something that isn't even that big of a deal.
Darkz is just being poopy because this isn't something regarding Gabe Newell's dickcheese. :)
Go back to your steam, son. The adults are talking.
I'm sorry for not crying about the death of a glitch pokemon like the rest of you.
Besides if it's another mew/celebi of this generation then chances are none of you are going to get it because it will most likely be one of those extremely hard pokemon to get because you have to travel 103123912390 miles to nintendo world store.
Not really, going "I'M RIGHT UR WRONG LALALALALA THIS CONVO IS OVER" doesn't really count as settling it. If I'm apparently going in circles, just consider this to be my point: keep that elitist bullshit on /v/; nobody wants it here. This is a gaming site, and since that is so, 99% of the things we complain about on here is going to be mundane shit. I don't see why it has to be an issue of utmost importance to be something to complain about, really.
I simply don't see why you view this as a subject worthy of donning your white knight armour and come riding into the topic shouting "IN DA NAME OF LOGIK!!!1". Yes, it doesn't really matter what we think about it in the long run. What's your *crag*ing point. It's not like every thing we can input our opinion on has to be a *crag*ing national issue. You're acting like the importance of the subject affects how we should feel about it.
why are you still on this yellow I stopped caring and now you can't?
Because you've yet to give me a legitimate reason as to why this thread braids your knickers so much. :)
>bitching about this thread
I don't care anymore*
Adorable, darkz. Well since your ego can't possibly afford to lose an argument, which it really can't, we'll just end this right here. Good day to you sir.
It was hardly ended at all; you just couldn't take someone disagreeing with whatever you had to say so you did what any pseudo-intellectual loner-boner emu kid would do and proceeded to put up an "I'm ignoaring yew" barrier. But it's whatever.