The film would revolve around the BP oil spill and Aquaman's efforts to track down and kill the villainous corporate ghouls responsible for the mess
In addition, they'd need to get Sylvester Stallone to play Aquaman; there would be plenty of machine guns and explosions and we'd get to hear Stallone say "YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE SEA? WELL THINK AGAIN"
it's just that his ability to command marine life has always been the one "weird thing" that sets him apart from others; take that away and he's essentially underwater superman
also crump it still sucks because there is no black manta
Actually Tails he does use sharks to hurt people; in fact in Brightest Day #1 he summoned a zombie shark to take down a bunch of pedophile modern-day pirates (Undead shark because it's Blackest Night Aftermath when Aquaman was an evil Black Lantern zombie; for some reason some of the Black Lantern still rests in him, even though he was resurrected at the end by the Life Entity); also in the same issue Black Manta bloodily butchered a bunch of civilians in a fish shop or something
Also, Black Manta could be in the film as a mercenary hired by BP or something