I just came about a sad relization
Posted by Super-Claus Jun 22 2010 11:29 GMT in Super-Claus
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soon enough we will run out of 12 years olds to laugh at in TF2 ang Gmod and Half-Life and CS and most other vaulve games. this is because of the sad fact that as games age they lose popularity, so soon enough the 12 year olds just wont give a damn. IT IS A SAD DAY TO HAVE SUDDEN REALIZATIONS.


This is bound to happen to every online game dim, though once they normally lose popularity room starts opening up for remaining players to raise the amount of skill it takes to compete, though I don't see that actually happening with TF2 for another 2 years.
Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 22 2010 18:13 GMT
As long as there are free weekend, they will come.
Reply by Popple Jun 22 2010 21:53 GMT
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