Given that Harmonix already teased the inclusion of a new instrument in Rock Band 3 -- the keyboard -- we almost feel like we've been taken for a ride. That is, if today's report from Ars Technica's mole on the game is correct and the keyboard is actually a keytar. "What?!" you cry. Much like Frankie, we must say, "Relax!" because, well, we're totally on board with the concept. Just think about the possibilities!
The Ars report also alleges the addition of a "Pro" mode "that will require proper technique, and may lead to actual skills on guitar and bass." Perhaps that mode will have some tie to the peripherals, which will apparently all be put assembled by Mad Catz (something hinted at by an announcement earlier this year), with EA supposedly only handling the distribution of game discs.
Regardless, though Ars' mole has been on point in the past with rumors, without confirmation from MTV Games, Harmonix, EA, or Mad Catz (yes, we tried -- only MTV Games responded, saying "We do not comment on rumors or speculation."), this report is still, unfortunately, unconfirmed.
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