Sin & Punishment: Star Successor trailer is suitably insane
Posted by Joystiq Feb 24 2010 20:37 GMT in Sin and Punishment 2 : Star Successor
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When we last saw Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (formerly Sin & Punishment 2) in action, it was little more than an impressive video of an expert player charging through the game's first stage. Today, alongside the renaming and release date announcement, Nintendo unveiled the latest trailer for Treasure's insane shooter, as well as a whole mess of new screens.

As you might expect, Treasure once again delivers with its signature brand of brazenly Japanese game design stereotypes, mashed with pounding music and quick video cuts. Check out the whole thing above, and don't feel too bad if you watch it a few times (we did too). It's gonna be a long wait until June, folks.
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor trailer is suitably insane

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