La-Mulana 2 reached its $200,000 Kickstarter goal almost a week ago, but it wasn't until yesterday that the funding period came to a close, giving the 2D platformer time to collect a few extra coins. The Kickstarter campaign ended with a total of $266,670, which means the inclusion of a "Father's Diary" mode to help bridge the story gap between La-Mulana and La-Mulana 2, as well as an in-game bestiary. There will also be ... curry.
Curry is a prominent item in La-Mulana 2. The soul, if you will. And that's not even us saying that; developer Playism Games refers to the dish as the soul of La-Mulana 2 on their Kickstarter page, and the team featured a "curry party" stretch goal of $200,256. The dev team will host their curry party on Twitch for fans to see.
Game Director Takumi Naramura will go one step farther and eat curry not just once, but three times a day for three days. Playism writes on the Kickstarter that this will "make him stronger" and allow him to make an even better game. Now you know the secret, would-be game developers: game design comes from the stomach. Or the toilet, depending on how well you handle spicy foods.
[Image: Playism Games]
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