So I now have a computer that can run a Playstation 2 emulator with maxed-out settings at 60 FPS, and I've been playing through Final Fantasy XII: International Zodiac Job System. Pretty great shit.
What are some other games worth playing on the PS2? In retrospect, the PS2 era was the height of my JRPG phase, so aside from the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts titles, and the "standard" PS2 games (Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, etc.), I may have missed out on some truly wonderful gems on that console. So, what are the best PS2 games?
Also I can run a Wii emulator maxed-out too, and the only games I ever got for the Wii really were Nintendo's first-party shit, so if you have any Wii suggestions that works too. Playing on my laptop is so, so much more convenient than having to hook up a console to a television every time I want to play.
no but really check out Spyro a Hero's Tail, Tak and the power of juju, Tak 2: Staff of Dreams, and Klonoa 2