So, after getting really drunk last night, I had a dream where some people were crowded around this weird-looking dog and calling it a pug dog. It wasn't a pug, as it had curly hair and looked like a cloud
Posted by Lord Crump May 10 2013 00:52 GMT in Lord Crump
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So I tapped it on its head and its face "unfurled," revealing it was scrunched up to look like a pug dog's face. As it unfurled, it took the shape of a sheep's head and finally a pit bull's head. But the pit bull's head was all wavy and wobbly and soft, like a soggy waffle, and it was lacking eyes, and bloody/fleshy strawberry milk-coloured liquid was oozing from its toothless jaw and its eyes, and it looked like it was about ready to collapse into a liquidy mess, so I went over and squished its head back to the compact pug dog-looking shape again


Drinking deprives you of rem which is responsible for how much you dream, however instead of losing dream time you actually make it up on subsequent naps making it more likely for you to have bizarre dreams like this since your body is making up for all the nights you didn't dream.
Reply by Fallen Shade May 10 2013 03:08 GMT
Stop getting plastered every damn night.
That should help.
Reply by Ignorant May 10 2013 03:24 GMT
okay crump since it's my duty as an officer of the law I have to take action. If you get drunk again there will be repercussions. This is your first and final warning.
Reply by Fortran May 10 2013 04:12 GMT
I think it's time to stop getting drunk every single day of your life.
Reply by hero of time May 10 2013 09:07 GMT
Drink more the dreams will go away
Reply by Super-Claus May 10 2013 10:36 GMT
drink more you wouldn't even need dreams
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