I actually played a decent amount of Tera when it first launched, and I really enjoyed certain aspects. The sublimely timing-based hack ‘n’ slashery was to die for, and the war beavers easily ranked among gaming’s best. But goodness, those quests were a deal-breaker. When lumbering Big Ass Monsters weren’t involved, they epitomized MMO monotony. Go here, kill ten of these, go here, kill ten of another incredibly similar thing, THIS IS WHAT BEING A HERO FEELS LIKE YEAH. Point is, Tera’s best taken in small doses, but a looming subscription fee always made that a pretty bitter pill to swallow. So now’s the part where I conveniently tell you about that fee’s impending demise while also notifying you of promising promises like this one: “Tera will be free. No level, time, or content restrictions.”