Rock Bottom: Groupees Bundle Includes La Mulana
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 21 2012 11:13 GMT in La Mulana
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The new Groupees bundle includes loads of games but I haven’t even heard of most of them. It’s a ‘pay what you want’ deal, although the minimum price rises as you add more games from the selection. Two games will set you back a minimum of $1.50 and the reason I’m posting about it at all is that one of those two games could be La Mulana. If you don’t know about La Mulana, I’ll consider that at least partly my fault because I’ve been meaning to write down wot I think about it for months but, somehow, I always fail. I am a failure. La Mulana, however, is a roaring success. If you like Spelunky*, Metroid or Dark Souls, you should spend $.0.75 to buy La Mulana.


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