Activision - 3DS/Vita face challenges in portable space
Posted by GoNintendo Dec 04 2012 19:44 GMT in Activision
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"There's no doubt that that space faces challenges. They are more directly competitive with what's going on in the tablet and mobile space and there's a lot more overlap there, to be honest.

It is a challenging market, and challenging in a number of ways. From a gameplay immersiveness standpoint, from price point and business model standpoint, I mean it's $40 for some of those games and you can get great experiences - not necessarily comparable experience, but great nonetheless - for seven dollars on a tablet.

Our relationships with Sony and Nintendo are important and we continue to support them by creating games on both [Vita and 3DS] platforms. Beyond that the market's going to speak ultimately as to the viability of those products." - Greg Canessa, vice president of mobile development for Activision

I think Activision utilizing the mobile space is a good thing. They can put out all their crappy licensed content on iOS devices, then hit up 3DS with the good stuff!

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