Black Ops 2 'Nuketown 2025' playlist removed, outcry gets it added to new bonus playlist
Posted by Joystiq Nov 20 2012 06:02 GMT in Gaming News
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Earlier today, Treyarch pulled the popular Nuketown 2025 24/7 playlist in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 citing the dedicated rotation of modes on the map was temporary.

"Double XP weekend is official over. That means Nuketown 2025 / 24-7 is as well. I know. Right? Don't kill the messenger," Game Design Director David Vonderhaar wrote on Twitter. But an outcry of fans for the pre-order and Collector's Edition map - a re-imagining of the original Black Ops arena - have made Treyarch think twice.

Moments ago an update was sent to Black Ops 2 adding a new playlist, dubbed "Bonus." The mode within the playlist, "Chaos Moshpit," notes that selecting this playlist will rotate "small maps with a variety of game modes," including Nuketown 2025.

So, get your Nuketown on, folks!

Update: A tweet from Treyarch confirms the playlist should go out to all versions of Black Ops 2.

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