Stripped down version of Rage used to bring classic Doom games to PS3
Posted by Joystiq Aug 04 2012 22:30 GMT in id Software
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Eighteen years separates the technology used to play the original Doom and Doom 2 for PlayStation 3, as a stripped down version of id Tech 5 was used to port the classic games to Sony's current-gen console in the upcoming Doom 3 BFG Edition.

Speaking with Joystiq contributor Britton Peele at QuakeCon 2012, id creative director Tim Willits said that the "easiest way" to get network support to work for the PlayStation 3 versions of the classic titles was to start with the company's 2011 shooter Rage.

"We never released Doom 1 and Doom 2 on the PlayStation Network," Willits said. "So we're like, 'OK, what's the easiest way to do this?' And what the guys did instead of rewriting all the network support, [support for] friends, and all that kind of stuff, is they took Rage, took out all the 'Rage' bits and put Doom 1 and 2 on top of it." Xbox 360 owners simply get the versions of Doom and Doom 2 that were released on XBLA.

Willits adds that when PS3 players launch the classics this October, they will actually be "launching most of id Tech 5," with a "game loop that runs Doom 1 and Doom 2." Isn't technology grand?

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