Options > Settings
[Plugins tab]
Video Plugin: Glide64 dec 5
[Directories tab]
Add > (locate the folder you extracted the rom to)
Utilities > Kaillera
Connection Setting: Excellent
Name: Diginiggerbutterfingeractuallyyoucanjustputanythingitdoesnt*crag*ingmatter
(double click the added server)
it desyncs half the time
and randomly crashes and quits the other half of the time
I'm all in
*crag* yes, I'll download everything later tonight
we're about to play right now
yeah go get it man
if you're quick enough you can still join this match
Ah whoops, the cbox said it was 1am over there, I figured you'd all be unconscious by now. I have a few things to do anyway, but i'll happily play tomorrow
So did we give up on this?
starting this again
no one *crag*ing pick mario
You bastard, I've always used Yoshi
Urgh fine I call dibs on Fattio
okay so so far we have:
Ph1r3: playing as mario
Claus: playing as Yoshi
Doopliss: playing as Wario
Francis: Unknown
also I don't know who, maybe you could francis? my servers always get messed up when I run them
yeah i have some pretty dumb internet
I probably won't have time to play but I can host the server
I'm going to bump this one last time because I am an optimist