No 7 Samurai: Skulls of The Shogun Goes Win 8-Only
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 12 2012 14:00 GMT in Skulls of the Shogun
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Having seen/played it back on PC at the Eurogamer Expo two years ago, I had become fearful that undead samurai-starring turn-based strategy game Skulls of the Shogun‘s increasing assocation with Xbox meant it might never find its way onto IBM Compatibles. At E3, it wound up back on the promotional circuit, confirming a release on XBLA, Windows Phone and… Windows 8. Wait. What? Windows 8 only? I waggled my eyebrows in confusion at the Advance Warsy game’s designer and programmer Borut Pfeifer of 17-Bit Studios to try and find out why Windows 7 et al wasn’t joining the party.(more…)

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