Square-Enix shares fiscal results, shipment expectations
Posted by GoNintendo May 14 2012 17:22 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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- net sales of 127.9 billion yen
- operating income of 10.7 billion yen
- net income of 6.1 billion yen
- expects a 29% increase in sales to 165 billion yen
- expects a 40% increase in operating income to 15 billion yen
- expects a 49% jump in net income to 9.0 billion yen
- sold 17.66 million pieces of software, split 5.58 million for Japan, 6.74 million for North America, 5.11 million for Europe, and 0.32 for Asia and other territories
- expects 18.8 million units this year, split 7.6 million for North America, 7.3 million for Europe and 3.9 million for Japan

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