TERA Has A “Revolutionary” Political System
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 17 2011 14:11 GMT in T.E.R.A.
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TERA‘s action-combat and overall ludicrous prettiness has caught my attention on occasional, but the way it ties guild quests to an overall political system is really quite something, as you can see in the video below, via PCG. You can rise to power through either a popular vote of actual players, or through the PvP battlegrounds, and once you are in power you can make life easier for people (or not) via your control of various resources such as shops and teleports. To perform actions with these your guild will need to be perform particularly high-end quests, fighting monsters and so forth. It all looks rather satisfying, at least within the constraints of traditional MMO systems. (Eve Online it ain’t.)(more…)

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