The Lights Fantastic: Trine 2 Preview
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 25 2011 16:51 GMT in Trine 2
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FrozenByte’s ethereally-lit follow-up to their Lost Vikings-esque puzzle-platformer has been sitting temptingly on my hard drive for several weeks now, but my Skyrim habit has kept me from until today. I was still feeling a little raw after the freneticism of Serious Sam 3 and an unfortunate chilli-burn incident that temporarily cost me the use of my hands, but Trine 2‘s main menu alone is a balm for the soul if ever there was one. I’ve put a little time into the beta version – not enough for some sort of cast-iron verdict, but enough to go ‘d’awwwwwwwwwww’ and offer a few early observations.(more…)

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