PSA: Brutal Legend demo available today for pre-orders
Posted by Joystiq Sep 17 2009 18:20 GMT in Brutal Legend
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For those of you who dropped a few bucks reserving BrĂ¼tal Legend early, now's your chance to get some face time with Eddie Riggs and co. The demo dropped today on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, giving those who pre-ordered the game roughly a month of time to enjoy ... erm ... demoing it. If you didn't pre-order it and you're following Joystiq on Twitter, we'll be giving away some download codes later on today.The rest of us plebes will have to wait until September 23, which is when the demo will arrive for everyone else. Tim Schafer would love for us all to be able to play the whole thing right now, though he concedes, "While we're waiting for Rocktober 13, a taste of Metal is better than none at all." Indeed it is, Mr. Schafer.

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