TGS 2011 show-goers reveal their favorite booths, games, devs and more
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 12 2011 14:23 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following information comes from a Famitsu poll of TGS show-goers...

- 81% of attendees were male
- majority of attendees were post-college age and held down full-time jobs
- 44% of them claimed to play social-network games
- two-thirds of them said they didn't engage in any sort of microtransations with them
- Capcom won best booth, followed by Square Enix, Gree, Sony and Sega
- one of the reasons for the above booths scoring high: "They were also giving out fans, which I really appreciated."
- top playable games: Monster Hunter 3G, followed by Final Fantasy XIII-2, Konami's New Loveplus, and Sega's Phantasy Star Online 2
- "Being able to play a higher-level Monster Hunter 3 quest on the 3DS and fighting the monsters in 3D was awesome. I had some concern about the controls, but once I actually had it in hand, there was no problem at all."
- gamers paying attention to Konami's Hideo Kojima, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto, Sega's Toshihiro Nagoshi, and Grasshopper's Goichi Suda.
- "I don't like Western games much, but Suda's work I do like. In a way, he's the most valuable creator working in the Japan game industry right now."
- best booth babes: Capcom won, followed by Gree, Sega, Konami, and Namco Bandai Games
- "The overall level of quality on the companions was spectacular! Their clothing had this look that balanced 'cute' and 'fresh' equally"

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