Dragon Quest X is an online RPG, still for Wii
Posted by Joystiq Sep 05 2011 06:28 GMT in Square Enix
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So, not only is the Wii getting one more huge game -- it's getting a huge online game. Series creator Yuji Horii introduced the first trailer for Dragon Quest X tonight at a reveal event, which culminated in a logo for "Dragon Quest X Online." Horii called it an "online RPG," which could refer either to an MMO-style game or a game in which a few players join up into small parties.

The trailer showed a convincingly cel-shaded game with a look similar to Dragon Quest VIII, with characters identified only by classes, including ogres, elves, and dwarves. A party consisting of multiple classes is shown running on a world map, and many of the series' familiar monsters, including various Slimes, are shown.

While Level-5 was responsible for the development of Dragon Quests VII and VIII, only Square Enix was named this time. We'll have more details following the conclusion of the event.

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