Dino D-Day Update Released
Posted by Valve Aug 19 2011 22:34 GMT in Dino D-Day
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  • Changed default T-Rex spawn to 1. This is controlled by a console variable. Server admins, if you want to add more T-Rexs change "sv_trex_spawn_count" to whatever number you want.
  • No MG42 hints for Trigger or the Stygimoloch.
  • Slight nerf for the Desmatosuchus (tank dinosaur). Splash damage has a smaller radius now.
  • Desmatosuchus can no longer shoot through walls.
  • Desmatosuchus can no longer do splash damage through spawn doors.
  • Auto-glow for medics (when teammates are hurt) now goes on when the teammate is below 50% health. It was 25% before.
  • Glow outlines on player's no longer display when players leave PVS. This addressed "ghost" outlines that hung around sometimes.
  • Eliminated bugs related to the T-Rex spawn which screwed up the camera.
  • Trigger and the Stygimoloch can no longer toss teammates with their melee attack.
  • T-Rex's no longer get healed by Area of Effect healthkits.
  • Slight increase in frequency of pain sounds (so you hear them more often).
  • PIAT rounds no longer collide with teammates right after they're fired.
  • Fixed bug where capture message stayed up across level loads.
  • Raptors can now be shot off of teammates after a pounce. To balance, the raptor does more damage on the initial pounce.
  • T-Rex bite revamped which should greatly improve the ability to eat downed players.
  • Overhauled the Medic heal function. Now, the heal function is connected to the medkit itself. Medkits can be thrown out with a left-click. But if you go up to a player and right click a heal effect will be "applied" instantaneously.
  • Server passwords should work now.
  • Bolt-action world animations for K98.
  • Fixed bug where newspaper stayed up for spectating players after a round change.
  • Fixed some ugly text formatting on various HUD elements.
  • Fixed MP40 and MP44 rate of fire issues.
  • Some new audio courtesy of a Dino D-Day community member.

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