Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions advances to PSN this week
Posted by Joystiq Jul 18 2011 16:15 GMT in Square Enix
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Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions was delayed until sometime late this month on iPhone. We don't know exactly when that is, but we do know you'll be able to download the game as soon as tomorrow ... on PSP.

The PlayStation Blog revealed that the PSP version of the strategy remake will be available on PSN tomorrow, July 19. It has new cutscenes, characters, and items not seen in the PSOne original.

In other retro-ish PSN news, you'll also be able to download a bunch of "Mini" versions of old SNK games that were all released as part of a single UMD in Japan, as well as a PSOne Classics version of Kyuiin, a shmup starring a kid on a flying vacuum cleaner.

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