Parasite Eve 2 rated for PS3 and PSP by ESRB
Posted by Joystiq Jul 13 2011 15:30 GMT in Square Enix
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The first Parasite Eve was released on PSN as a PSOne Classic on March 15, two weeks before The 3rd Birthday continued the series on PSP. Now, long after any hype for The 3rd Birthday has evaporated, Parasite Eve 2 is set to appear on PSN.

The ESRB has rated Parasite Eve 2 for PSP and PS3, indicating an intent to re-release the game on those two platforms at some point in the future. Whoever did the new rating decided to alter the content warnings from "animated blood and gore" and "animated violence" to just "blood and gore" and "violence." Regardless of the wording, the "mature" rating holds.

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