Dungeon Siege 3 review: An Id's paradise
Posted by Joystiq Jun 21 2011 21:30 GMT in Square Enix
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Freud tells us that humans cannot escape their id. At our most basic level, we desire nothing more than to satisfy our drive for pleasure. The id has no morals, it simply wants what it wants with no regard for the implications of the actions that could result. Whether that pleasure is derived through the gain of material goods or through schadenfreude (that's German for laughing when your buddy slams into a pole), all it wants to be satisfied.

Action RPGs exist for this very reason: They're engineered to satisfy your id. You slash and slice your way through thousands of enemies on your way to the loot at the end of the tunnel. You're overly powerful, unable to be taken down by armies of soldiers, spiders, or demons. You fulfill all sorts of power fantasies this way, and only fulfill more and more as your characters level up. So, really, Dungeon Siege 3's measure of success is whether or not it is capable of pleasing your id.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go ahead and ask my id how it enjoyed the dozen or so hours it spent in the Kingdom of Ehb. He's prone to mood swings and occasionally contradictory opinions, so hang with me.

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