Some Kojima Productions Surprises at Konami's Press Conference Next Week
Posted by Giant Bomb May 26 2011 18:26 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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E3 is nearly upon us, which means developers with announcements waiting in the wings are starting to get anxious about sitting on the news. Kojima Productions is the latest to start laying down tracks on ye ol' hype train, promising some "surprises" for Konami's pre-E3 press conference happening next week.

“We are going to have a few announcements at E3 and we have some surprises, so be looking forward to that,” said Kojima Production podcast host Sean Eyestone, as listened to by VG247. "And we have something special lined-up going on a little bit before E3. So next week, we’re going to have a little special something on June 2.”

Rumors are flying about Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker joining the PSP Remasters program that makes previously PSP exclusive games playable on a PS3, and while Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima continues to claim he's moved on from the Metal Gear franchise, it's hard to believe it's true. It's been almost a year since we've heard a peep about the Raiden-lead Metal Gear Solid: Rising, too.

Predicting what Kojima's up to was complicated earlier this week, when the designer made a series of cryptic tweets about something he'd been working on for a year became "meaningless."

"I cannot bear, and cannot be positive," he said. "What I prepared minutely spending a year became meaningless."

Kojima has not acknowledged what he was referring to in the days since. Any guesses?

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