Mass Effect 3 delayed to adjust mechanics for 'larger market opportunity'
Posted by Joystiq May 04 2011 23:32 GMT in Mass Effect 3
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As saddened as we were by the news that Mass Effect 3 wouldn't reach us until next year, after an EA earnings call today we're hovering between befuddled and intrigued.

When asked about the delay, EA boss John Riccitiello said, "Essentially, step by step, [BioWare is] adjusting some of the gameplay mechanics and some of the features that you'll see at E3 that can put this into a genre equivalent of shooter-meets-RPG, and essentially address a far larger market opportunity than Mass Effect 1 did and Mass Effect 2 began to approach."

... So what does that mean? Well, mentioning that Mass Effect 2 was closer to what EA's targeting would seem to indicate more of an emphasis on action. But if the company's looking for "a larger market opportunity" a multiplayer component seems a surefire way to achieve that.

Here's hoping we remember to check this post after E3 to feel either really smart or a little sheepish about our prognosticating. Also, hello future us! Hope you're having a good summer!


"address a far larger market opportunity"
oh boy that sounds GREAT
Reply by Viddd May 04 2011 23:53 GMT
yeah lets delay it and have a mass effect 3 arg
Reply by Slim May 05 2011 00:26 GMT
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