THQ: 'We are not developing Saints Row: Drive By'
Posted by Joystiq May 04 2011 18:10 GMT in Saints Row: Drive-By
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THQ left very little room for interpretation today in regards to Saints Row: Drive By, the XBLA and PSN spinoff of its puerile open-world series. "We are not developing Saints Row: Drive By," a THQ rep told Joystiq, confirming reports of its cancellation.

That likely means there won't be a 3DS Saints Row game either, since core games CEO Danny Bilson said that the planned 3DS project was the same as the XBLA game. Given the kind of weaponry we've seen in the latest Saints Row game -- weaponry we're not too keen to see in 3D -- we're at peace with the cancellation.

THQ told Joystiq it had "no further comment at this time" regarding the 3DS title specifically.

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