Hey, Details on Portal 2's (Free!) Downloadable Content
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 29 2011 19:24 GMT in Portal 2
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Just as soon as Valve reveals Portal 2's getting downloadable content, BAM--the company reveals it.

Right now dubbed "Portal 2 DLC #1" (why would they name it #1 if we weren't getting more?), the summer-bound downloadable content will include "new test chambers for players, leaderboards, challenge mode for single and multiplayer modes, and more." I wonder what "more" could mean?

As mentioned yesterday, the downloadable content released for Portal was simply a collection of more test chambers. In that pack, the story didn't continue, there was no further interaction with GlaDOS. There's a larger cast of characters to play around with in Portal 2, so perhaps "more" ties into them.

I've asked Valve if we can expect any new narrative in the add-on, but have yet to hear back.

Even better, you won't pay a dime for this. The content will be free across every platform Portal 2 is available on--PlayStation 3, PC, Mac and Xbox 360. Valve's desire to distribute free content post-release has been a point of contention with Microsoft in the past (see: the lack of updates for Team Fortress 2 after The Orange Box was released), but that's not standing in the way of more testing. Onward to science.

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