Dungeon Siege 3 delayed, adventure begins June 21 in NA, June 17 in Europe
Posted by Joystiq Apr 07 2011 19:34 GMT in Square Enix
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When Square Enix originally said Dungeon Siege 3 was coming in May, it must have meant may, the lower case verb and not the calendrical noun. The publisher announced today that Dungeon Siege 3 is, in fact, coming June 17 and 21 to Europe and North America, respectively.

"Although the final polish phase has demanded a bit more time than originally planned," said Mike Fischer, president and CEO of Square Enix, Inc., "we want to assure fans and followers that the additional effort will allow us to deliver an action-RPG worthy of its rich heritage."

There's been no platform-specific delays, so it'll be available at the appointed time on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Plus, June doesn't have a verb, so there's no slick way out of delay notification next time.

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