Final Fantasy 3 now out for iOS, other Square Enix titles on sale
Posted by Joystiq Mar 24 2011 22:30 GMT in Square Enix
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If you missed Square Enix's 3D remake of Final Fantasy 3 when it made its way to DS back in 2006, you can now catch it on an even tinier device. The RPG is now available on the iOS App Store for the somewhat prodigious price of $15.99 -- fairly high for an iPhone game, sure, but fairly low for a DS game. (That's how we're choosing to look at it, glass-half-full thinkers as we are.)

If your sorrowfully slim bank account is preventing you from grabbing Square's latest, you might be pleased to learn that most of its catalog of iOS titles (and art gallery apps?) has been discounted until March 31. Check out the list of price cuts after the jump, right below the trailer for the new Final Fantasy 3 port! Man, it's getting crowded down there.

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