New record from someone who isn't Jiano
Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 22 2011 13:47 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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What was the old time?
Reply by Fallen Shade Mar 22 2011 19:11 GMT
1:53, though if both runs were done on the same version then the time difference would be more about six minutes.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 23 2011 02:47 GMT
Wait one version has six more minutes of game time than the other? that doesn't make sense
Reply by Nastasia Mar 23 2011 18:37 GMT
No, nas. The Virtual Console version has significantly less lag than the N64 version, if you didn't take that into account (for official times, you wouldn't) then the difference would only be about four minutes as apposed to six.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 24 2011 00:07 GMT
I misread the title as jinjo and was like
when the *crag* did they start tasing banjo tooie
Reply by Super-Claus Mar 24 2011 01:17 GMT
It isn't TAS, Dim, its REAL SPEEDRUN.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 24 2011 13:24 GMT
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