Assassin's Creed Brotherhood hits PC March 17, Steam pre-orders include bonuses
Posted by Joystiq Feb 16 2011 16:25 GMT in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
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PC-based assassins eager to join the Brotherhood will finally get the chance to unsheath their high-resolution, realistically lit blades next month. Ubisoft forum manager Mr_Shade announced the release dates for the PC version of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on the game's UK board: March 17 for the US (and "certain EMEA territories") and March 18 for the UK.

Pre-ordering the game from Steam will earn you a free upgrade to the "Digital Deluxe Edition," which includes playable Harlequin and Officer characters, the "Trajan Market" and "Aqueduct" maps (they're similar to the linear "Lairs of Romulus" sections), the Assassin's Creed Lineage movie, and various other bonuses. Along with the full list of freebies, Steam also posted the required specs -- be sure to check those out before you place your order.

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