Final Fantasy V announced for PSOne Classics (in Japan, of course)
Posted by Joystiq Feb 16 2011 04:00 GMT in Square Enix
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Just when the U.S. was starting to approaching parity with Japan in the arena of Final Fantasy titles on the PSOne Classics platform, we go and hear this: According to Andriasang, Final Fantasy V has been announced for PSN in Japan. The title is slated to launch this spring as a promotion for DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY, which has a Japanese release date of March 3.

The game will be the upgraded PSOne version of the SNES RPG, which received a standalone release in Japan but came to North America as part of the Final Fantasy Anthology. Of course, it probably won't make the trip stateside this time around -- though Sony has explained the reasons why PSOne Classics releases differ from country to country, it's clear that they straight cold hate us.

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